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Restaurant app

Mobile – Restaurant app | CodeCanyon

Restaurant app his title this type of Mobile/Titanium/FullApplications This time I will review,made by dimovdaniel, Mobile/Titanium/FullApplications is sold at a price of $40 in themeforest.

Restaurant app - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

marketplace.load(“”); marketplace.queue(function(){ new marketplace.Video({ file: “″, poster: “”, title: “Restaurant app”, height: “360″, width: “640″, embed_url: “″, isMainPreview: false, downloadButtonImage: “” }).setup(); });

android // app // cafe // food // gallery // ios // ipad // iphone // lounge // menu // mobile // recipe // restaurant //

Created8 December 13
Last Update8 December 13
Files IncludedXML, JavaScript JS
Mobile OSIOS 6.1.x, IOS 7.0.x, Android OS 2.1, Android OS 2.2, Android OS 2.3, Android OS 4.1.x, Android OS 4.2.x, Android OS 4.3.x, Android OS 4.4.x

More Info…Restaurant app ..


Restaurant app is a Titanium Mobile application developed for Restaurants, Cafe lounge, recipes apps. Building mobile app for your business or client can be very expensive and time consuming.

We have created admin panel for it. In this admin panel you can cnfigure the app enter menu items, and news items. If you want to play with the code, most settings are in one file only. So you will need very basic programing knowledge or no need of them at all if you use the admin panel.

App works for iPhone ( all models including iPhone5 ), iPad and on all Android devices and versions.

App is well structured into Modules, so it is stable, easy to debug and extend. You will not need backend for your mobile app. So you don’t need hosting and database to run your app.

The admin panel is located on:


Password: password

Note that the admin panel is not included in the source code you will get from here.

Online up to date documentation:


One of the best feature of this app is that it has 3 types of navigation

  1. Slider – Configurable dynamic menu. You can change the number of rows and columns

  2. Tabs – Native tab navigation

  3. Metro – Inspired by the Window 8 Metro Style navigation

You can view the different types of navigation in the screenshot section. To go from one menu style to another you just have to make change in the admin panel. Described in the documentation.

Menu section

The main part of this app is the “Menu” module. It can be used to display your restaurant menu into categories. Each item can have unlimited number of prices so it feeds your needs. By default the menu module comes with a ordering basket where users can make order directly from the mobile app and you will receive the full order on your email. You can easily disable this future if you don’t need it.

This module is also perfect for recipe app.

News section

This module displays list of news that you create in the admin panel. For each post you can create Name,Intro text, Post content and thumbnail. The post content is HTML code so you can put whatever you need in your post like images and videos. The module has Share to Email and Facebook options so you will reach more users to your app.

The gallery is robust and good looking gallery that can fetch albums and galleries from

  1. Facebook – display your fan page albums and photos, together with description of the photos.

  2. Goolge + / Picasa can also be used as source for this gallery module .

  3. Flickr gallery will fetch you public images from flickr .

  4. NextGen gallery is a gallery that works with the latest working version of NextGen for WordPress 1.9.13.

It is configured from the admin panel.

In this section you can add link or action to Website, Fb Profile, Call phone, Open Map location etc.

Web Site section – About

Web Site section is a handy place when you can display some web site or HTML content It is perfect to create “About” page where you can display info about your app or business. This section is also configurable from the admin panel.

Color Variants

There are 6 predefined templates / skins that that the app can have. This color variants are independent from the menu system. Very easy you can add your own template or change existing one to suit your needs. The screenshots are made from the “Restaurant” template. You can edit this templates and make the app just the way you need.

Push notifications

There is a Push Notification integration with UrbainAirship. Push Notification for for iPhone only. You can send push notifications directly from the admin panel so you or your client don’t have to go to UrbainAirhip to send push.

AdMob ads

You can genrate revenue from the app if you decide to implement AdMob ads in the app. To enable them just enter your AdMob publishers id’s in the admin panel and you will have the ads in the app.


  1. Cloud app, it uses Titanium ACS to store your data

  2. Easy to implement – follows CommonJS standard

  3. 3x Navigation types. You can easily migrate from one to another

  4. Cross platform – Works on iPad, iPhone, Android

  5. You can finally earn money from the mobile app. Integrate AdMob

  6. Send Push Notification to your app users.

  7. Short time to make it work with your settings.


There is no bug less software. So please before leaving negative review, if you have problems or question contact me throughout the question section. I will do my best to help you.

Sources and Credits

I’ve used the following images, icons or other files as listed.

  1. Tab icons from –

  2. Logo –

  3. Varios food images from that are not included in the app

    —Read font section in documentation ( fonts are not included in the download file )

  4. Signika –

  5. Eraser –

  6. Raleway –


*You will need MAC computer and Apple Mobile development license to build your app for iPhone and iPad. Read online documentation to see possible solutions regarding this problem.

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    puts the power of the website at your fingertips.
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  6. OpenRice is the Yelp of Asia. It shows a city’s most popular restaurants, ratings, menus, booking numbers, and everything in between. It’s widespread
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